Executive Summary On Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)
*The items listed below, represent our commitment to address diversity, equity and inclusion in District 208 (RB)*
New Mission Statement (Adopted, April 2021)
At Riverside Brookfield High School, we value character as well as achievement. A partnership of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community committed to educational excellence, innovation, and equity, we deliver a rigorous and well-balanced education for the academic, artistic, athletic, social-emotional and civic growth of each student. As lifelong learners, graduates are well-equipped to be responsible members of a diverse and ever-changing world.
At Riverside Brookfield High School, we value character as well as achievement. A partnership of students, parents, teachers, administrators, and community committed to educational excellence, innovation, and equity, we deliver a rigorous and well-balanced education for the academic, artistic, athletic, social-emotional and civic growth of each student. As lifelong learners, graduates are well-equipped to be responsible members of a diverse and ever-changing world.
District Equity Leadership Team (DELT)
- Founded: September 2022
- Goal: Continued training and engagement in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the following areas.
- Systems, Teaching & Learning, Student Voice Climate & Culture, Professional Learning, Family and Community as an Agency.
- Participants: Administrators, Teachers, Para-Educators, Counselors, Social Workers, School Psychologists, Union Leadership, Instructional Coaches, Athletic Coaches, and Club Sponsors.
Equity Action Plan 2024-2025

Professional Development for Staff
- Systemic Education Equity Training, Dr. Ivette Dubiel
- Equity 101: An Overview Completed
- Understanding Implicit Bias: Part 1 Completed
- Social Constructs of Self and Positionality Completed
- Understanding Implicit Bias: Part 2 Completed
- Microaggressions Completed
- Modern Day Racism and the Fallacies of Racism Completed
- Dimensions of -Ism’s: Part 1 Completed
- Dimensions of -Ism’s: Part 2 Completed
- Synopsis and Application Completed
- Assessment Completed
- Restorative Justice Team
- Established, 2019
- PD provided to staff on Restorative Practices in the classroom
- Treatment Agreements to be established as a common practice for 2021-2022 School Year (August Institute Date)
- Harvard Graduate School Seminar: Race, Equity, and Leadership in Schools
- PD provided to the sponsor of the Minority Empowerment Club
- May, 2019
- Minority Empowerment Club Institute Day presentation (all staff)
- Presentation/PD to all staff presented by members of Minority Empowerment Club
- April, 2019
- Trauma Informed Practices (Faculty Institute 2019)
- Cross-Cultural Cultural Competency Training, Dr. Lourdes Ferrer
- Completed on October 26, 2018
Parental Involvement/Participation
- Race & Equity Committee (Founded Fall, 2020)
- Members include: Students, Parents, Teachers, Administrators, Outside educators
- Founded the Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee (BPAC) in 2021
- Coffee with the Principal
Curriculum & Instruction
- Transformed the Western Civilization Curriculum to a World History Curriculum
- New class: Latin American History 2021-2022 school year
- Developing curriculum in all content areas to include multiple perspectives and acknowledgments of all races and ethnicities.
- Urban Studies (elective)
- Implementing STAR assessment (progress monitoring) school-wide
- Seal of Biliteracy
District Policies
- 2:260 Uniform Grievance Procedure
- 2:265 Title IX Sexual Harassment Grievance Procedure
- 5:20 Workplace Harassment Prohibited
- 7:10 Equal Educational Opportunities
- 7:20 Harassment of Students Prohibited
- 8:70 Accommodating Individuals with Disabilities
Human Resources/Hiring opportunities
- Committed to hiring qualified and diverse candidates
- 5:10 Equal Employment Opportunity and Minority Recruitment
Student Handbook
- Updated student dress code - eliminated Hats/Hoods and 2” strap requirement language
- Student Handbook
Students & Extracurricular Programming
- Facilitated Student/Leadership Meetings
- Monthly Office hours with the Principal
- Student Leadership Forums
- Restorative Conversations
- Support & funded culturally based clubs
- Established See Something, Say Something initiative
- Adopted Latin Recognition Honor System (Eliminated Class Rank)
- Begins with the class of 2024
- Plan to implement the Satchel Screener/SEL during the 2021- 2022 school year
- Monthly SEL/Building Community lessons planned for the 2021-2022 school year
- Restorative Justice Team leading efforts in restorative practices in the classroom:
- Building community, restorative grading practices, treatment agreements, restorative conversations