Updates: Remote Schedule & Teacher Abs. Info.

Greetings Riverside Brookfield Families and Students,
Paws-Up! Woof, Woof, Woof! Below you will find the Remote Learning Teacher Absence Information and UPDATED Traditional 7-Period Remote Learning Schedule. The updated schedule will take effect this upcoming Monday, September 14th.
Here are the key changes to the UPDATED Traditional 7 Period-Remote Learning Schedule that only impacts MONDAYS:
  • 1st period begins at 9AM
  • Keeping 40 minutes of instructional time per period
  • 10-minutes transition between synchronous instructional periods
  • 5-minutes transition between PLC and 1st period
  • Lunch begins at the conclusion of 4th period
  • 5-minutes transition between Lunch and 5th period
  • PLC reduced by 5 minutes
  • Lunch reduced by 10 minutes
With you all in mind,
Dr. Freytas      Ms. Kylie Linquist
Principal          Asst. Principal of Curriculum and Instruction

Saludos padres de familias y estudiantes:
En este mensaje se incluye el horario escolar revisado e información sobre cómo se manejan las ausencias de maestros.
Dr. Freytas Sra.     Kylie Lindquist
director                  subdirectora