Minority Empowerment Club will be sponsoring a Diaper/Feminine Product Drive starting November 5th and continuing until Dec 5th. Donations can be dropped off in a box in the Main entrance (Door A) or in a box outside of Room 238. If you have donations and can not get them to RB please contact Mrs. Lojas at lojask@rbhs208.net for a pick up. Donations will be given to local shelters.
Attention Bulldog Families: Listed below is the registration link for 2020-2021 winter sports season. Please note, Riverside Brookfield High School District 208 will not be opening registration for Boys & Girls Basketball until further guidance has been provided by the IHSA and IDPH. We will provide updated information as it becomes available.
http://http:// http://https://rbhs.8to18.com/accounts/login
Thank you & Go Bulldogs!