Daily Bark Thursday, April 21, 2022

Friday, April 22, is the national Day of Silence — a national student-led movement highlighting the silencing and erasure of LGBTQ+ people. To recognize this day, we will be holding a moment of silence during morning and afternoon announcements tomorrow. Students will have the opportunity to write a thank-you note to an inclusive teacher or staff member during all lunch periods. We would also encourage students and staff to wear tie-dye or anything bright and colorful. RBGSA members, sponsors, and allies appreciate students and staff for taking the time to bring attention to this often-overlooked issue. Students that wish to participate please stop down to student services to grab a participation card before Friday.


Applications for educational grants from the Riverside Brookfield Educational Foundation are now being accepted.  Students and staff can apply online at RBEF.TV - click on the MENU TAB and then GRANT APPLICATION.

The deadline for applications is Thursday, May 5, 2022.  Please see Mr. Monti in room 119 if you have any questions.  Good luck!!
