Daily Bark Monday, October 24, 2022


The girls and boys cross country teams both qualified to race in the State qualifying Sectional meet next Saturday. Best of luck at Sectionals. Go bulldogs!


How do you respond to a challenge?  Now is the time to be courageous, try new things, learn how to work hard to get a job done, and keep going when the going gets tough.  If you want to be part of something bigger than yourself, you belong on the RB wrestling team.  All interested boys AND girls, join us for a meeting on Thursday, October 27th at 3:20pm in the RB wrestling room.  See Coach Curby with any questions.


Attention all dancers looking to participate in the 2022-2023 Orchesis dance company, or to audition for the Repertory Dance Ensemble for next school year. Auditions for both will take place on October 26th after school in the dance studio from 3:30-5:00. Please see Ms. Dall with any questions.


The 2022 competition dance team tryouts are today for both Varsity and JV after school in the East gym from 3:15-5:00. If you are interested in attending the tryout, you must be registered on 8to18 through RBs athletic website prior to the tryout. Please see Ms. Dall with any questions.


Winter Sports are now open for registration on the 8to18 website. For details and instructions, you can check out the Athletic website at 8to18.com/RBHS or stop by the Athletic Office.


The Winter Athletic Season is right around the corner! Winter season athletic registration is now open and can be found on the RB athletic website. Students who intend to participate in winter athletics will need to have a physical & completed registration on file in order to participate.  Please visit the athletic office if you have any questions.
