Daily Bark Friday, December 2, 2022


Thank you to everyone who wrote a card for a Veteran!  Earlier this week some members of the Student Association dropped off 401 cards to the Fischer House to be distributed to Veterans this holiday season.  THANK YOU so much to everyone who participated in this amazing community program!

The Student Association Coat & Blanket Drive continues next week thru Thursday!  Please donate your gently used and new coats of all sizes, blankets, gloves, scarves, hats and winter boots.  Donations can be dropped off in any of the wrapped boxes located in the Commons Area, or in one of the following teacher's classrooms - Ms Mynaugh, Ms Ziola, Mr Dybas, Ms Koehler's or Mr Forberg.  THANK YOU!

Club photo day for the yearbook is on Monday, December 5th. If you are involved in a club or activity, check with your activity sponsor to find out more details. The schedule for the day is posted by the atrium, outside the cafeteria, the auditorium, and room 265. All photos will be taken in the Auditorium. Make sure you wear your club shirt or other RB spirit wear for your photo on Monday

It’s that time of year, Bulldogs when we should count our blessings and be thankful for what we have. It is also that time of year to help people in need. The Business Communication Class is holding a clothes donation for the National Child Cancer Society and is asking all students and teachers to donate their shorts, shirts, Jeans, gloves, and Jackets at the donation boxes in the Atrium, by Door A and by Entrance G.
