Daily Bark Monday, April 3, 2023



Applications for educational grants from the Riverside Brookfield Educational Foundation are now being accepted.  Students and staff can apply online at RBEF.TV - click on the MENU TAB, then GRANT APPLICATION, and then click on STUDENT or STAFF FORM.


The deadline for applications is Thursday, May 4, 2023.  Please see Mr. Monti in room 119 if you have any questions.  Best of luck!!


The Pop Tops contest for the Ronald McDonald House has begun.  Please drop off your Pop Tops by Thursday this week to Ms. Ziola (Room 215) or Mr. Dybas (Room 211).  


The Student Association Meeting is this WEDNESDAY, April 5 at 7:20 am in the Lehotsky Room #201.  Please consider joining us and find out how you can get more involved in the school.  We will also have exec board nominations on Wednesday.  See Ms. Ziola or Mr. Dybas with any questions.  THANKS!


Brookfield Parks and Recreation is hiring camp counselors for the summer day camps.  We are looking for people who enjoy working with children and want to have a fun and active job in the community.
