Daily Bark Thursday May 11, 2023


Seniors, if you didn’t get a chance to pick up your cap/gown and graduation tickets yesterday, they are available in the Main Office

The Blood Drive is this Friday, 8:30 am - 2 pm.  It is not too late to sign-up, anyone 16 or older and in good health can donate,  If interested in donating, please sign-up by using the QR Code on the hallway flier.  16-year old need a permission slip, see Ms. Ziola or Mr Dybas to pick one up!  Thank you for your continued support!

Yearbook Distribution is on Thursday, May 18th in the Field House starting 7th period and after school until 3:45. If you ordered your yearbook, come pick it up on the 18th. Don't know if you ordered one? Check the list in the English hall outside room 265. You can still order yearbooks online at www.jostens.com, but they are almost sold out! Contact Mrs. Marsh or a Rouser staff member with any questions.

Poms Tryouts for the 23-24 Season will be held next Monday, May 15th and Wednesday, May 17th from 4-6pm in the East Gym. Scan the QR code on the flyers around the building or online to register. Any questions contact Mrs. Sherman. 

RBLibrary is closed today beginning at noon and will remain closed after school due to an AP Exam. All students in study halls periods 4 through 7 must report to the study hall room. The library will also be closed tomorrow morning at 7:30am and will reopen 6th period on Thursday.
