For girls interested in joining basketball, we will have a mandatory meeting on Monday, October 16th, after school in room 217. See Coach Mack or Coach Jarrell for any questions.
If you are interested in participating in the first FREE Bowling Club event on Tuesday, October 17th, stop by Mr. McGovern’s room 148 for a permission slip. All skill levels are welcome!!! Come roll with us!
Are you a beginner or an experienced baker? Either way, you should come to the baking club! We'll be making Halloween-themed treats in the foods room, room 158, after school on October 23rd.
Orchesis Dance Company and Repertory Dance Ensemble will be holding placement auditions on October 17th after school from 3:30-5:30 p.m. in the dance studio. You must audition for the repertory dance ensemble to access registration for the 24-25 school year. Please use the QR code on the fliers in the hall to sign up or through the link on RB Dance’s social media where you can also find our website with more information about both companies.
Registration for winter sports is now open on the 8to18 athletic website. For details and instructions, you can check out the Athletic website or stop by the Athletic Office room 129.