RB Coffee Bar Open Monday, October 23

We are excited to share that The Cafe Coffee Bar will open on Monday, October 23

The Cafe will serve coffee, handcrafted espresso drinks, fruit smoothies, grab-and-go items, and much more.


Operating Hours: 

7:00 am - 8:00 am: Before School  

10:45 am - 1:15 pm / 1:35 (Thursdays): During lunch hours 

3:05 pm - 4:00 pm: After School 



  • Students will be encouraged to purchase items before school, during lunch periods, and after school.
  • The coffee bar will be closed during instructional hours other than lunch periods.
  • Students may use their ID or cash to purchase items.
  • Only in-person items will be available for purchase (pre-orders not available).


My Meal Time Account-

Please see Quest in the Cafeteria to set up a My Meal Time account. Once an account is established, students can load money and pay for items using their ID.

Coffee Bar
