Looking for a fun community service opportunity? Every Wednesday after school, AST pays a visit to the old folks at Cantata Retirement Home. Join us today, at 3:20 in Mr. Beasley's room, you do not need to be a member of AST or sign up ahead of time. Hope to see you there!
A reminder that there is a mandatory NHS initiation rehearsal after school today in the auditorium for junior initiating members.
Hey Bulldogs! Come support the Sophomore class today and Thursday, March 21st, by purchasing some delicious donuts! Donuts will be sold for $2.50 each Wednesday and Thursday before school by the atrium. Don’t miss out!
“Don’t forget - Girl Up will have a candy gram in all lunches today thru Thursday this week. Candy will be $1 and only cash will be accepted.
Tomorrow, on Thursday, March 21st we celebrate World Down Syndrome Awareness. The date of the 21st day is significant, and was selected to signify the uniqueness of the triplication (trisomy) of the 21st chromosome which causes Down Syndrome. Please show your support of this day by wearing Crazy Socks! In addition, wear PINK for Women's History Month, to show support for all people who have been affected by Breast Cancer. Student Association will award 6th hour classes with the most participation of both, crazy socks and PINK, with candy.
Seniors, if you haven’t ordered your cap and gown for graduation. Please go to the website… getgradstuff.com and order it as soon as possible.
Fishing Club will be having their first meeting today after school in the Faculty Cafe. All students are welcome.
Get Ready Bulldogs! After spring break the Student Association will begin the annual Pop Tops Collection contest. So...be sure to keep saving those pop tops!
Spring Sports is now open for registration on the 8to18 website. For details and instructions, you can check out the Athletic website or stop by the Athletic Office room 129 with questions.