Hi bakers! We will be resuming baking club after school on Monday, April 15th in the cafeteria. We'll be making lemon scones, so feel free to bring a friend so they can enjoy them too! The sign-up form is on the Remind.
The Student Advisors to the Board of Education application deadline is this Thursday, April 11. Juniors, make sure to get your application in before the deadline. The application form is available on the RB website.
Attention all freshman, sophomore, and junior students: You will be taking the digital SAT and PSAT exams on Tuesday, April 16th. All students are expected to be in their assigned rooms before 8:00 a.m. on testing day.
It is important that all students are aware of the following:
- You must bring your school-issued AND fully-charged Chromebook to the exam. No personal devices will be allowed in the testing room.
- If you are concerned about your Chromebook's battery, please bring your Chromebook charger. Outlets will be limited.
- Bring a pen or pencil for scratch work. The school will provide scratch paper.
- Bring a snack and/or drink for the exam, to be placed under your desk at all times.
- Do not bring an internet-enabled device like your cell phone or smartwatch. These will be confiscated at the beginning of the exam.
Please see Mr. Helgeson in room 277 with any questions.
The RBHS staff pickleball open-play begins after school today. There will be opportunities for all levels of players. For more information, please contact Deirdre Sullivan.
Join Coffee & Tea and Book Club in their annual Collab to celebrate National School Library Month.
Where: The RB Library
Day: Friday, April 12
Time: Arrive at 7:15 or after.
Explore some new reads, while sipping your favorite hot drink.
Hey Bulldogs! The POP TOPS Collection has begun! Please bring in your donations to either Mr. Dybas in Room #211 or Ms. Ziola in Room 215 before school each day, now through Thursday, April 25. It’s a contest and the top individual collectors in every grade will win gift cards! Good luck!
The Student Association Meeting is this Wednesday, in the Lehotsky Room #201 at 7:20 am. We will have information for anyone considering becoming an officer, and we will once again have executive board nominations. All are welcome to get involved, you do not need to be an officer to attend!
Hey Bulldogs! NHS is having a fundraiser at Bill's Place today from 11 am to 9 pm. All proceeds will go to the Hines VA Hospital. Make sure to mention the fundraiser when you order and enjoy your food!
Hey RB….Fishing Club will be meeting on Thursday, April 11th after school in the Faculty Cafe. Everyone is welcome.
RBs Got Talent is right around the corner and the producers are seeking talent of all sorts to audition! Auditions will be held on Wednesday after school, sign up in the music area for a specific time. If Wednesday doesn't work for you, talk to Mr. Baum about setting up an alternative audition time. Mark your calendars for the show on April 24th at 7:00 in the Little Theater.
Juniors and seniors, if you are planning on going to Prom, tickets are now available for purchase in the Business Office and guest permission slips are available in the Main Office. The last day to purchase tickets is April 19th.
Are you Pro-Life? Pro-Choice? Not Sure?
Bulldogs for Life is hosting a speaker in the Alumni Lounge today at 3:15. Q & A to follow. All are welcome.
Seniors, if you haven’t ordered your cap and gown for graduation. Please go to the website… getgradstuff.com and order it as soon as possible.