Daily Bark Wednesday, May 15, 2024

The Spanish book Collection for the organization called SCARCE continues.  There is a great demand for books in Spanish!  We would appreciate it if you brought in any books written in Spanish, for all ages, whether it be from home or an old Spanish class.  Donation boxes are in the Commons Area, all Spanish classrooms, as well as 215 and 211.  Thank you!


Students, tomorrow, on Thursday, you will have another opportunity to write ANY Staff Member a Note of Acknowledgement.  The table for Notes of Acknowledgement will be set up before school in the Commons Area.  Please consider writing a note, you and the staff member you write the note to, will ALSO be entered in a drawing for a chance to win a gift card!!  Thank you!


 "Are you starting to think about studying for finals? NHS and Coffee and Tea Club have your back! Stop by the Alumni Lounge after school today until 4 PM for coffee, tea, and lots of treats to help you study, plus tutors in all subjects. Everyone is welcome! Bring a friend!"


Hey Bulldogs, are you looking for a quiet place to study? NHS and Coffee and Tea club are hosting a FINALS STUDY TABLE session on Wednesday after school. Meet us in the alumni lounge for snacks, drinks, tutoring and a place to study.  Wednesday, after school in the alumni lounge.


The Coffee and Tea Club is meeting for their last meeting of the year in room 157 on FRIDAY MORNING! Bring your pen to sign yearbooks, spirals, and any other items you'd like to remember the year by. The meeting starts at 7:15 am and will go on until the 5-minute bell rings for the first hour!


Looking for a fun community service opportunity? Today AST will be visiting the old folks of Cantata Retirement home for the final time this year. Whether you’ve joined us every week, or if this will be your first visit, we’d love to have you! Join us in Mr. Beasley’s room after school on Wednesday to end this year on a high note with our good friends at Cantata. 


Yearbook Distribution is on Thursday in the Field House starting 7th period and after school until 3:30. If you ordered your yearbook, come pick it up on Thursday. Don't know if you ordered one? Check the list in the English hall outside room 265. You can still order yearbooks online at www.jostens.com, but they are almost sold out! Contact Mrs. Marsh or a Rouser staff member with any questions.


Seniors, if you haven’t picked up your cap, gown and graduation tickets, you can do so in the Main Office.


JV and Varsity Poms Tryouts for the 2024 Fall Season is today and Friday, May 17th from 4-6pm. Register for tryouts using the QR code found on the flyers around the building. Any questions....contact Coach Sherman. 


"Do you have old RB shirts lying around that you’re never gonna wear again? From May 15th to May 17th, RB will be hosting clothing return bins. Start collecting your RB gear to save it from entering landfills and so it can be repurposed for future students! Every person who donates a clothing item and has their student ID with them will receive a voucher to get free ice cream during lunch periods on Friday, May 17th. Contact Mr. Robins or Ms. Schoenhardt with any questions."
