The first meeting of the Chess Club is today at 3:15pm in Room 119. Everyone is Welcome from beginner to grandmaster. Come “Check” it out!
Are you Interested in STEM, competition, and teamwork?
If so, please join the Robotics team as they meet on Thursday, August 22nd after school in room 250.
Hi Bulldogs, Do you like to play video games? If so, stop by Room 250 after school on Tuesday, August 26, to hear about the RBHS Esports Team.
All students are welcome and we hope to see you there!
Interested in joining art club? Come to an informational meeting on Thursday, August 22nd at 3:15 in the Art Pit. See Ms Siffermann with any questions.
This year the fall play will be Shakespeare in Love. There will be a mandatory meeting for audition material on Today at 3:15 PM in the auditorium. You must attend this meeting in order to audition. If you have any questions see Mrs. Johnson or Mrs. Fischer
For any bulldog interested in being a part of the fall cheerleading team there will be an open tryout tomorrow from 3:30-4:30 in the fieldhouse. Please make sure you are registered on 8to18 and have an updated physical on file.
The first meeting of the Improv Club will be tomorrow in room 276 at 3:15. All new members are welcome, so come join us!