Next week will be the last week the Student Association will be collecting donations for the coat and blanket drive. All donations will go to a special event hosted by the Salvation Army. Things we are collecting include both new and gently used: coats, blankets, hats, scarves, gloves, and boots. Collection bins are in the atrium, rooms 211, 215, 157, and 114. THANK YOU!
Attention seniors! Please check your school email for links to submit your senior yearbook quote and to vote for senior superlatives for the yearbook. Your quotes and superlative voting ballots are due Monday, December 16th by 8:00 am. Contact Mrs. Marsh with any questions.
This year our Spring Musical is Rock of Ages. Audition packets will be available Monday, December 9th. You will be required to sign up for both a vocal audition on Monday, December 16th, and a dance audition on Tuesday, December 17th. Sign-up sheets and audition packets will be available in the music area. Any questions? See Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Johnson, or Ms. Smetana.