Meeting Times:
The Video Game and Board Game Club meets once a week after school on Thursdays in Room 108 and serves students interested in playing video and board games in a recreational setting. All students are welcome to attend. Please see Mr. Schaedel with questions.
Sponsors: Mark Schaedel
Mission Statement:
The RBHS video game club exists to provide students with the opportunity to meet other students interested in video games as well as provide an opportunity for students to compete against others in a safe environment. Interested players are encouraged to see Mr. Schaedel for more information.
Goals of Video Game Club
Meet after school weekly to compete.
Only competitive games that are suitable for school will be played. (For example: Racing games, sports games, and other competitive games)
Create a safe environment
While at video game club it is expected that students respect each other during game play and at all other times.
Goals of Video Game Club
Meet after school weekly to compete.
Only competitive games that are suitable for school will be played. (For example: Racing games, sports games, and other competitive games)
Create a safe environment
While at video game club it is expected that students respect each other during game play and at all other times.