Meeting Times: Every Wednesday at 3:15 pm we meet in Room 234 and take a mini-bus to Cantata Adult Life Services from 3:30 to 4:30, where we play games with the senior citizens.
Sponsor: John Beasley, Room 234
Ext: 2243 Email: [email protected]
Club Description:
AST--the Association of Students for Tolerance, is a student-led club that seeks to build cultural bridges across RB's diverse community. Through student-led discussions and community service, we develop a more empathetic student body.
Mission Statement:
AST aims to promote tolerance through student-led discussion and community service. Each Wednesday, we bring groups to visit the elderly residents at Cantata, and we lead monthly discussions on topics relevant to students' concerns. Students have the ability to go out of their comfort zones and learn to have leadership skills and communication skills they didn’t know they had. AST is a no-judgment club. Come and do the activities and leave all egos at the door.
What does AST do?:
- Weekly trips to the British Home every Wednesday
- Do activities such as bingo, Pictionary charades, Apples to Apples, Uno!, arts and crafts, pumpkin decorating, etc.
- Teaching cell phone/technology classes on Wednesdays for elderly people in the community
- Monthly morning discussions (breakfast included) to talk about problems in the school, world, etc. and what we can do about it
- Service projects including Day of Service, Bell Ringing, and many more
- A place where you can do what you want to do and be who you want to be
Come help us teach how to use a smartphone to senior citizens. Twice a quarter, AST leads these one-on-one classes. The next opportunity will be Wednesday, November 11th.
On Friday September 23rd.at 7:15 AM in Room 234, Olas and AST will co-host a discussion: "Hispanic-Latine Identify and Culture."