Student Association 2024-2025 Executive Board
President - Lucy Drenth
Vice-President - Raleigh Jesswein
Secretary - Ella Caputo
Treasurer - Sam Gibbs
Director of Communications - Kaitlyn Cline
Student Spokesperson - Ele Caballero
Meeting Times: Every Wednesday at 7:20am in the Lehotsky Room (201) All students welcome!
Sponsors: Angela Ziola, Kevin Dybas
Club Description:
Student Association coordinates school events and fundraisers to benefit the entire school as well as the community. Events planned by SA include the Homecoming dance, pep rallies, Lifesource blood drives, and much more. Student Association also organizes fundraisers including the coat and blanket drive, Santa Anonymous, penny pinch fundraisers, and Thanksgiving baskets. Student Association is a great way to get involved, so join today! Hope to see you there!
Student Association is now on INSTAGRAM - follow us at: rbhs_sa