Sponsors: Ian Robins Rachael Schoenhardt
Helping Paws Meeting Information: To get information on meeting times and
events please sign up for our remind, run by Mr. Robins to get the latest
news and information. Either text @3d9be8 to 81010 or search for the class
code 3d9be8 on the app.
events please sign up for our remind, run by Mr. Robins to get the latest
news and information. Either text @3d9be8 to 81010 or search for the class
code 3d9be8 on the app.
Helping Paws Mission:
Helping Paws is a club for people looking to volunteer and give back to our
community. Our major goal is to serve those children in our area that are
less fortunate and provide them with meaningful experiences that promote
friendship and family. We also help with as many other organizations and
nonprofits as we can.
Helping Paws Volunteer Opportunities:
Monthly: Brookfield Food Pantry - Monthly
Hephzibah Foster House - Monthly
Brookfield Project NICE - Seasonal
Chicago Survivors Holiday Party - Seasonal
Do you have any places you volunteer at, or know of places that would take volunteers?
Many other opportunities come up throughout the year, and we would love to help out!